Tennis Ball Kale, 2015
Strange Veg series 2015-ongoing
Part 1: Sports
The title of this series makes reference to "Strange Fruit" a song performed most famously by Billie Holiday who first sang and recorded it in 1939, first written by teacher Abel Meeropol as a poem and published in 1937. The poem was written in protest of American racism, a troubling phenomenon that has been on the rise lately, but has always been a part of the historical and cultural landscape of America. This fact is not often talked about in honest terms and remains an issue that seems resistant to actual resolve and healing. Take for instance the American football player Colin Kaepernick’s “take a knee” protest, a protest that according to him was meant to shed light on violent injustices perpetrated on black men at the hand’s of various police departments. When this issue is discussed it is more often that not discussed in terms of the protest taking place during the national anthem and how it is disrespectful to the flag. Rarely is the original aspect of the protest even discussed, and is often avoided to absurd lengths. Here the NFL helmet combined with wheat reinforces the stereotypes of the American dream, and the misconceptions that Americans have prospered through hard work, strong ethics, the ability to be a successful self starter and self-made man.
It is in the spirit of this absurdity that I used racial stereotypes to emphasize the general absurdity of race relations’, culture, history, and heritage; through sports. The nature of these works are meant to highlight our commonalities as well as our slight differences in a humorous, thought provoking, and different way.
I photographed the pieces outside to relate to the plants themselves, but also to make reference to the sports field in general, the pedestal cues the viewer into the fact that this is indeed art. Here the photographs are the art, and the actual plants, balls, and settings could vary and take on entirely different contexts and meanings displayed in other places.
Basketball Collard Greens, 2015
Soccer Ball Beans, 2015
Football Helmet Wheat, 2015
…the monumental version
Baseball Mit Mint, 2015
Here for your behind the scenes enjoyment are some additional photographs of the pieces in progress being sculpted by photosynthesis, water, and the sun.
I think this might be my favorite image of the whole series.